
The city of Seville is not only rich and varied in locations and sites for productions. Another of its strengths is having an important business network, with a multitude of professionals with extensive experience related to the audiovisual world.

In this section, we provide you with the contact details of various professional associations in the sector with which you can collaborate when organizing a production in our city.

Because Seville is a unique setting, it also offers you the richness and know-how of those who have collaborated in countless commercials, series and films.

Andalucia Film Commission

The Andalucía Film Commission offers producers an extensive database where they can find highly qualified professionals and companies with experience in major national and international productions.






Fibes. Avenida Alcalde Luis Uruñuela, 1. 41020 Sevilla +34 954 614 009 / +34 620 239 791

Asociación Andaluza de Mujeres de los medios Audiovisuales (AAMMA)

AAMMA is an independent, diverse and plural collective made up of film and audiovisual media professionals. Directors, producers, scriptwriters, technicians, creators, experts in the audiovisual sector, actresses, composers, researchers, trainers, communicators… with a common challenge: to make the work and talent of Andalusian women creators visible and to promote equality in the industry.

+34 658 05 35 64

Asociación Andaluza de Productoras de Cine

Asociación de Empresas de Producción Audiovisual y Productores Independientes de Andalucía

Avenida Felipe II, 10 – Local D, 41013 Sevilla +34 954 419 355

Asociación Profesional de Técnicos Audiovisuales y Cinematográficos de Sevilla

TeSeA was constituted in Seville in October 2012 and is a non-profit organisation of an associative nature, aiming to act in various areas within the audiovisual sector, with a greater role for the film sector in the province of Seville in particular.

Our lines of action include the organisation and promotion of cultural initiatives and activities related to audiovisual creations, the training and professional promotion of technicians inside and outside Seville, the analysis of the labour situation affecting the sector and the creation of strategies for its improvement.

TeSeA also serves as a place for sharing ideas and proposals related to the audiovisual industry and culture.

These lines of action, which are materialised in concrete actions during periodic work meetings, are focused on the creation and promotion of a website, a database of audiovisual and film technicians in Seville to promote their visibility inside and outside the city and the organisation of activities, conferences, workshops, seminars and events aimed at disseminating film and audiovisual media in Seville in all its areas.

Espacio Abierto, Pje. Mallol, 8, 41013 Sevilla +34 635 30 84 57z